Dr Kristina Bertl
After graduating in dentistry at the Medical University of Vienna (MUV; 2010), Kristina Bertl (KB) continued with a postgraduate education (MSc in Periodontology; 2012), achieved her PhD degree (2015) and docent status (2014), completed a MBA degree in Healthcare Management (2018), is recognized specialist for periodontology in Sweden (2021), and published so far about 80 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals. KB was working clinically at the MUV in the Dept. of Periodontology (2010-2012) and Dept. of Oral Surgery (2012-2014) and moved 2014 to the Dept. of Periodontology at Malmö University; since 2023, she is additionally working for the Dept. of Periodontology at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. Since 2014, KB is the representative for the ÖGP Youngsters, since 2016 board member of the Austrian Society of Periodontology (ÖGP), and since 2021 member of the extended board of the Austrian Society of Implantology (ÖGI). From 2017-2019 KB was junior officer of the EFP’s Scientific Affairs Committee, in 2018 and 2022 ambassador of the ÖGP for EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam and EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen, and currently secretary of the EFP’s Scientific Affairs Committee.