As indicated in the first part of the webinar, the Clean and Seal concept applied within the surgical treatment stage credited effective in the therapy of periimplant infrabony defects. This part of the webinar focuses on the results of non-surgical and surgical application of hyaDENT BG in periodontal infrabony defects. A very recent randomized clinical study compared the effects of HA to that of EMD applied in infrabony periodontal defects during a minimally invasive surgery. At 12 and 24 months the clinical results were statistically superior to the baseline values for both materials, respectively. Our group combined the surgical approach with the use of HA in combinations with various xenografts and either with synthetic or collagen membranes. Today we overlook a case series with more than 20 patients and over 25 initially severely compromised teeth.

The clinical and radiographical documentation of the outcomes regarding the clinical attachment level gain and change in bone fill are impressive. The most impressive clinically relevant improvement revealed radiographically for sites treated with HA alone or HA combined just with a membrane applied for secluding the soft tissues in infrabony defects before suture. The combination of a synthetic resorbable bone substitute and HA applied without membranes proved also successful. Our clinical outcomes will be discussed in light of the before-mentioned results from an RCT trial and recently introduced pre-clinical histo-morphometric study in dogs. You are highly welcomed to join us on the journey across the terrific properties of this Biologics product.