Titolo: Terapia biologicamente guidata dei deficit muco-gengivali

Relatore: Prof Andrea Pilloni

Data : 8 novembre 2023

Partecipa online qui: Zoom

Lingua : Italiano



Prof. Andrea Pilloni will help to understand the biology of cross-linked HA, the benefits arising from its use in periodontology. The goal of the webinar is to illustrate indications and treatment modalities in presence of mucogingival deficits and intraosseous defects  with the help of hyaluronic acid, a fundamental element in the biology of oral tissues.

  • Periodontal surgery includes surgical procedures aimed at correcting anatomical deformities of the gingiva or alveolar mucosa. The use of biologics has led to a better quality of soft tissue healing  especially in the early stages of the healing process of the wound, with a reduction in the postoperative discomfort of the patient.
  • Intraosseous defects also require increasing attention, especially in case of severe loss of attachment in the aesthetic area, based on surgical techniques that are predictable and in many cases facilitate the regenerative process with the use of tissue biomodulators and exploiting the great healing potential of the tissues themselves.



Prof Andrea Pilloni

Prof Andrea Pilloni

Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia e specializzato in Odontostomatologia presso l'Università di Roma, Tor Vergata. Specializzazione in Parodontologia e Master in Biologia Orale presso la University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
Ha ottenuto la qualifica di Prima Fascia (Professore Ordinario) nel 2017.