Prof Anton Sculean


Hyaluronic acid (HA) has recently been introduced in reconstructive periodontal soft tissue surgery due to its biologic properties, which favor
periodontal wound healing and regeneration. Data from preclinical studies have shown that HA significantly increases the tensile strength of granulation tissue, stimulates blood clot formation, induces angiogenesis, and enhances wound healing properties of cell types involved in soft
tissue wound healing. Recent clinical data also suggest that the use of HA either alone or in conjunction with autogenous soft tissue grafts may
lead to excellent root coverage of single and multiple recession gingival recessions, which histologically may be accompanied by periodontal
regeneration (i.e. formation of root cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone).

Les objectifs de ce webinaire sont les suivants

To present the biologic rationale of using HA in reconstructive periodontal surgery.
To illustrate how HA can be integrated into reconstructive periodontal surgery, with special emphasis on the use of the modified coronally
advanced or laterally closed tunnel technique, based on clinical case presentations and a surgical video.